Ensure the full and sustainable inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in health policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, research, and funding streams.
Ensure your communications, including written and spoken language, materials, and interactions with the community are accessible to people with ID.
Universal Design Learning is a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn.
This video is our effort to amplify the voices of people with ID that ask for fairness, care, equality, and justice.
Health Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Anita Lesko is a nurse anesthetist and a champion for people living with autism spectrum disorder. Here are her tips for communicating with people with ID.
Person first language puts the person ahead of any disability identifier.
Learn why health disparities exist for people with ID and what you can do to help achieve inclusive health for all.
Learn how Special Olympics Arkansas trained dental professionals to provide inclusive care.
Universal Design is an approach organizations use to help achieve inclusion and create inclusive practices.