Health Service Delivery
Inclusive Health Principles and Strategies
This resource provides principles and strategies to help you ensure the full and sustainable inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in health policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, research, and funding streams.
Addressing Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities as a Health Equity Imperative
The American Public Health Association's primer helps public health professionals understand more about people with IDD, specific challenges and barriers to achieving health equity for this community, and promising strategies for creating a more inclusive and accessible public health system for all.
Paying Family Caregivers
To Provide Necessary Supports to People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
1 Min Read
Self-Advocacy in Action: Renee Manfredi speaks at Kaiser Grand Rounds
Self-Advocate Renee Manfredi speaks to doctors and other healthcare providers about what they can do to give people with Intellectual Disabilities the quality health care they deserve.
Talk to Me: Treating People with IDD with Respect
This video highlights the voices of people with IDD as they ask for fairness, care, and inclusion.
PHAB Tip Sheet
PHAB encourages health departments to consider using examples of population health activities that include people with intellectual disabilities for their documentation, where the accreditation standards and measures lend themselves to doing so.
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Caregiver Corner Handout - Healthy Habits
As a caregiver, you are a role model for your child in developing food preferences. As they get older, continue to encourage healthy food choices. Here are a few ways you can help your child eat a healthy diet throughout the day!
1 Min Read
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Tool Kit for Children
5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! encourages schools, child care programs, out-of school programs, and health care practices to increase healthy eating and
physical activity opportunities for ALL children.
1 Min Read
Guidance for Pediatricians Treating Children with Autism
Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism
Spectrum Disorder, from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
2 Min Read
Inclusive Health Promotion in Local Parks and Recreation
This guide was prepared by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), with support from Special Olympics.
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About Me For My Health Team
This form is for patients with IDD to share information with their providers.
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Making the Case: Professional Associations
Over 6.5 million people in the United States are estimated to experience intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD), based on prevalence rates of 2 to 3 percent of the total US population.1
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Making the Case: Fitness and Wellness Organizations
Regular exercise and participation in health and wellness activities can improve overall health, fitness, mental health, self-confidence, and quality of life for people with IDD.
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Toolkit for Primary Care Providers
A toolkit on health care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities from the Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Initiative in Tennessee.
1 Min Read
Tips for Communicating with a Patient with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Anita Lesko is a nurse anesthetist and a champion for people living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Anita is an adult living with Asperger disorder who did not receive her diagnosis until she was 50 years old.
1 Min Read
Making the Case: Health Care Providers
Practices that are particularly important when serving patients with IDD can help improve the quality of health care provided to all patients.
2 Min Read