Inclusion Basics

Inclusive Health Principles and Strategies

This resource provides principles and strategies to help you ensure the full and sustainable inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in health policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, research, and funding streams.

Visualizing Inclusion

We are striving for inclusion! What is the difference between exclusion, segregation, integration, and inclusion.

Language Referring to People with IDD

The language we use matters.
1 Min Read

Universal Design Fact Sheet

Universal Design (UD) is an approach organizations use to help achieve inclusion and create inclusive practices.
1 Min Read

Easy Read & Accessibility

Using easy read language is one way we can create an inclusive and accessible world for all.
1 Min Read

Self-Advocacy in Action: Renee Manfredi speaks at Kaiser Grand Rounds

Self-Advocate Renee Manfredi speaks to doctors and other healthcare providers about what they can do to give people with Intellectual Disabilities the quality health care they deserve.

Special Olympics Athlete Health Messengers

Special Olympics Health Messengers discuss the support they need from their health care providers and other supporters in their lives.

Talk to Me: Treating People with IDD with Respect

This video highlights the voices of people with IDD as they ask for fairness, care, and inclusion.

Meet a Self-Advocate: Loretta Claiborne

Loretta Claiborne is the Chief Inspiration Officer and Vice Chair, Board of Directors at Special Olympics International
1 Min Read

Tips for Communicating with a Patient with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Anita Lesko is a nurse anesthetist and a champion for people living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Anita is an adult living with Asperger disorder who did not receive her diagnosis until she was 50 years old.
1 Min Read