Health Care Providers
Every health care provider should be trained to care for people with intellectual disabilities and do their part to ensure equitable access to quality health care for patients with intellectual disabilities
Healthcare Professionals Lede - Smiling and Taking a Break from Health Screenings at the IX MENA Games in Abu Dhabi, 2018
Ensure the full and sustainable inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in health policies and laws, programming, services, training programs, research, and funding streams.
Tips to help you make your programs and physical spaces accessible and welcoming.
Ensure your communications, including written and spoken language, materials, and interactions with the community are accessible to people with ID.
In this video we discuss understanding your community and training your staff on the barriers and challenges faced by people with ID.
Learn about the steps being taken to educate health professional students about the challenges that come with medical care of people with ID.
Learn how the University of Louisville incorporated the voices of people with ID in its curriculum.
Anita Lesko is a nurse anesthetist and a champion for people living with autism spectrum disorder. Here are her tips for communicating with people with ID.
Learn how the University of Colorado implemented an intellectual and developmental disabilities curriculum for medical students.